Thursday, April 11, 2013

Pope Benedict XVI - Declaration regarding Latin

Back in November 2012, Pope Benedict XVI published a "motu proprio" on the Latin language.

[From Wikipedia: A motu proprio (Latin "on his own impulse") is a document issued by the Pope (or by a monarch) on his own initiative and personally signed by him.  When issued by the Pope, a motu proprio may be addressed to the whole Church, to part of it, or to some individuals.]

With this document, the Pope announced the beginning of a new Pontifical Academy for Latin.
Here is the link to the document:
Benedict XVI on Latin - November 12, 2012 

Here are some excerpts:
" today’s culture, the danger of an increasingly superficial knowledge of Latin may be noted in the context of the widespread weakening of humanistic studies. This is also a risk in the context of the philosophical and theological studies of future priests. Moreover in our own world, in which science and technology play such an important role, there is a renewed interest in the Latin culture and language and not only on those continents whose culture is rooted in the Greco-Roman heritage....
...It therefore appears urgently necessary to support the commitment to a greater knowledge and more competent use of Latin, both in the ecclesial context and in the broader world of culture. In order to give relevance and resonance to this undertaking the use of didactic methods in keeping with the new conditions and the promotion of a network of relations between academic institutions and scholars is particularly appropriate so as to make the most of the rich and multiform patrimony of the Latin civilization.
To contribute to attaining these goals following in the footsteps of my venerable Predecessors, today, with this Motu Proprio, I establish the Pontifical Academy for Latin, under the Pontifical Council for Culture.

Perhaps one of you will study there one day!!